Tuesday, June 14, 2011


     Sometimes I wonder what the point is. What is the point of art? Is it art for art's sake? Is there a reason that art exists? What defines art? I think the definition of 'art' is subjective. What one person sees as art could be just some paint thrown on a canvas to another person. How does someone say, "This is art." Or, conversely, say "This isn't art." To the artist, it is his or her soul on paper. So, what gives another person the right to say it is merely a farce? I look at my own art and wonder if every person that has told me that I'm just some girl with a camera and it's all a joke is right. But then I realize that it doesn't matter what they say. If it's what I love, then why would I give up on it because someone else laughed at me? All I can do is learn more about my craft and make it better.

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